‘Answer to my prayer’ goes to mix


The first single from Kris’ forthcoming THE DEVIL WEARS STUFF instrumental album has finished tracking and the mix has begun.

“It’s been a long process finishing off this album. Ive written most of the tracks on it whilst touring over the years, so theres a lot of history in this.”

The album comprises of 10 tracks, each song showcases Kris’ musical influences as well as his playing ability. From the hard hitting rock of “Answer to my prayer” and “Blowing off steam” to the orchestral arrangements on “A place to call home” and acoustic work on “Sleeping Beauty”, the album jumps in and out of genres, whist all the while maintaining Kris’ unique sound and playing style.

“It’s been a lot of fun writing and recording this record. It was the first time that i was able to just play and not worry about sitting within a mould. I even have a track on the record that involves a conversation between me and Rob (the drummer for the track). We were mucking around in the studio and i ended up doing an impromptu bluesy solo before an intense piece that we were jamming on. We ended up just leaving it all in the final cut!”

With the video clip already in production and the remainder of the album set to go to mix at the end of April, the release date is estimated in June at this stage.

ANSWER TO MY PRAYER is set for a digital release on 18th April.
Click here to hear sample…

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